Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Reflective Account †Communication Essay

Whilst on shift one day I needed to ask my describe resident Mr H what clothes he wanted to wear for that day. Mr H is very hard of hear but refuses to wear a earshot aid as he states they make his ears sore. Mr H has no rescue tighties.Before I proceed with Mr Hs care I check his care plan where it is enter how he likes to be communicated with. whatever changes to Mr Hs communication ability should be reported and documented straight onto a daily diary sheet and into his careplan where other staff members are able to see the changes noted.I then knock aloud on Mr Hs door so that he is witting of my prescence and await his reply, he called for me to come in. On entering the way of life I proceed to where Mr H is sitting on the side of his bed. I kneel close to him and make eye contact, I begin language to him slightly louder than I normally would talk, slowly and clearly ensuring I presumet imput too much information into my sentences that will make it difficult for Mr H to follow.I begin by saying Good sunup to which Mr H replies the same clearly corroborative he had heard me. I then ask him if he slept well to which he replied he had again confirming he had heard me. I then asked Mr H if he is ready to get washed and dressed, he didnt appear to hear me with no verbal response he tilted his head to the side and tapped his ear. This indicated to me that he had not heard what I had said. I gently put my kick in on his to give him some reassurance and proceeded to repeat the question a teensy slower. Mr H nodded and smiled and verbally answered yes.Next I asked Mr H what clothing he would like to wear that day, to assist me in doing this I indicated to Mr H with my manpower pointing to my eyes to watch what I was doing. I went over to his wardrobe and receptive it and took out a selection of shirts and held them up for Mr H to see. he chose which he would like to wear by pointing at the shirt and verbally confirming the colour he had chosen, I repeated this process with both his trousers and sweatshirt.Mr H appeared happy with the way I was communicating with him as he smiled and nodded at me. I could tell if Mr H had understood or heard me right on by his verbal responses and his facial expressions.Whilst communicating with Mr H I reviewed his hearing ability by making a mental note of the quantify he hadnt heard me correctly and compared this with the previous day, at bear witness Mr Hs hearing ability doesnt appear to defecate changed, I recorded this in the communication section of Mr Hs care plan where others could see there were no changes at present.A short while later the nurse visited Mr H, to help support Mr H I surreptitiously, to ensure no breech of cofidentiality was broken, explained to the nurse the difficulties Mr H had with his hearing and explained to her the ways in which I communicate with Mr H in abidance to Mr Hs preferences documented in his care plan. They both appreciated this as there were no misunderstandings and they both fely more at stand-in with eachother. I then indicated to Mr H that I would leave them in private by pointing to the door and waving, Mr H nodded his understanding and waved back.

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