Friday, February 15, 2019

Intellectual Property (IP) Law and the Media and DBC Television’s Issue

skilful ordinate justice refers to the rules that protect copyrights, airscrew patents, and trademarks, and through which the quality owners run the rights they obtain over the intangible assets they develop. These intangible assets include symbols, artistic, literary works, and melodious works, phrases, words, inventions and discoveries (Dutfield & Suthersanen 2007, p. 267). The most commonly recognized understanding property rights include trademarks, industrial design rights, trade secrets, patents, and copyrights. For this paper, the most applicable property law is the copyrights (Seville 2009, p. 4).The contentious issue to be addressed in the paper revolves around Media Ltd, champion of the most recognized TV occupation companies in the United Kingdom, and DBC television, which broadcasts the zoological garden, ace of the children animated TV series. The Media Ltd licenses the copyright to a third party to switch Lawrence Lion books, dolls, and children clothing . Lawrence Lion is a everyday character in the zoological garden. The Zoo items are complicated and are highly expensive to make. A iodine worker, working for averagely ten hours a day, great deal only make 30 dolls. The items are meant for collectors and none is supposed to be purchased for children. Carls family, one of the Zoo fans, lends Sheila some of their collections. The collection is supposed to convention part of the entertainment for Sheilas little daughter. Unfortunately, David, Sheilas husband, secretly reproduces some(prenominal) copies at a takeoff rockets video production place and begins to sell them. Juan, who also happens to have seen the Lawrence video, starts producing similar dolls in Spain. Some of her dolls are again imported lynchpin to the UK by Import Ltd.This paper forget outline the legal issu... ...M, & Bentley, L 2010, Privilege and property essays on the biography of copyright, Open Book Publishers, Cambridge.Dutfield, G, & Suthersanen, U 2007, Global intellectual property law commentary and materials, Elgar, Cheltenham. Ghidini, G 2010, Innovation, opposition and consumer welfare in intellectual property law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.Macmillan, F 2005, New directions in copyright law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. MacQueen, HL, Wealde, C, & Laurie, GT 2007, Contemporary intellectual property law and policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Seville, C 2009, EU intellectual property law and policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.Singleton, MA 2005, The art of gigging the essential select to starting up as a performing artist, Trafford Publishing, Victoria, BC. Torremans, P 2007, copyright law a handbook of present-day(a) research, Elgar, Cheltenham. Intellectual Property (IP) Law and the Media and DBC Televisions IssueIntellectual property law refers to the rules that protect copyrights, property patents, and trademarks, and through which the property owners exercise the rights they have over the intangible a ssets they develop. These intangible assets include symbols, artistic, literary works, and musical works, phrases, words, inventions and discoveries (Dutfield & Suthersanen 2007, p. 267). The most commonly recognized intellectual property rights include trademarks, industrial design rights, trade secrets, patents, and copyrights. For this paper, the most applicable property law is the copyrights (Seville 2009, p. 4).The controversial issue to be addressed in the paper revolves around Media Ltd, one of the most recognized TV production companies in the United Kingdom, and DBC television, which broadcasts the Zoo, one of the children animated TV series. The Media Ltd licenses the copyright to a third party to make Lawrence Lion books, dolls, and children clothing. Lawrence Lion is a popular character in the Zoo. The Zoo items are complicated and are extremely expensive to make. A single worker, working for averagely ten hours a day, can only make 30 dolls. The items are meant for coll ectors and none is supposed to be purchased for children. Carls family, one of the Zoo fans, lends Sheila some of their collections. The collection is supposed to form part of the entertainment for Sheilas little daughter. Unfortunately, David, Sheilas husband, secretly reproduces several copies at a friends video production place and begins to sell them. Juan, who also happens to have seen the Lawrence video, starts producing similar dolls in Spain. Some of her dolls are again imported back to the UK by Import Ltd.This paper will outline the legal issu... ...M, & Bentley, L 2010, Privilege and property essays on the history of copyright, Open Book Publishers, Cambridge.Dutfield, G, & Suthersanen, U 2007, Global intellectual property law commentary and materials, Elgar, Cheltenham. Ghidini, G 2010, Innovation, competition and consumer welfare in intellectual property law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.Macmillan, F 2005, New directions in copyright law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. MacQueen , HL, Wealde, C, & Laurie, GT 2007, Contemporary intellectual property law and policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Seville, C 2009, EU intellectual property law and policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.Singleton, MA 2005, The art of gigging the essential guide to starting up as a performing artist, Trafford Publishing, Victoria, BC. Torremans, P 2007, Copyright law a handbook of contemporary research, Elgar, Cheltenham.

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